Tanimbar Island Eclectus (Eclectus roratus riedeli)
Tanimbar Islands in the Banda Sea is the home of this subspecies, also known as the Riedels Eclectus or the Riedeli Eclectus Parrot. These rare birds have only just come into captivity during the 1990s and can be seen in zoological parks and major bird parks in Spain and Germany. The Tanimbar Island Eclectus is the second smallest subspecies. The female is entirely red and lacks the cobalt blue breast of the other members of this species. These females have yellow under-tail coverts and a very pronounced buttercup yellow band to the tail. Males of this subspecies also possess the broad buttercup yellow tail band, making it the easiest subspecies to identify.
![]() Caption 001: Male Tanimbar Island Eclectus. Note: Photo taken at Walsrode Bird Park in Germany by Martina Mueller. ![]() Caption 002 Female Tanimbar Island Eclectus. Note: Photo taken at Walsrode Bird Park Germany. ![]() Caption 003 Tanimbar Island Eclectus-Head and eye ring colour. Note: Martina Mueller took this photo at Walsrode Bird Park Germany. ![]() Caption 004 Female Tanimbar Eclectus-eye and tail band colour. Note: Taken at Walsrode Bird Park Germany by Martina Mueller. ![]() Caption 005 Note the width of the band of yellow to the tip of the tail of the Male Tanimbar Eclectus. Note: Taken at Walsrode Bird Park Germany. |